
Found my marbles

Ever since I saw this DIY project from Nicole over at Sketch42 I have been obsessed with marbled paper.

(photo from Sketch42)

She took a cheap-o Ikea table and turned it into a one of a kind beauty for her daughters room- LOVE THIS!

Now of course I needed my own beauty too.  But with no room in my apartment for another table I needed a different project.

Enter this clearance aisle wood box (which used to have a metal covered top, but after some MAJOR work I finally pulled it all off)

I was thinking I could cover this box with marbled paper- what do you think?

I found (ok Nicole found) the most beautiful selection of marbled papers over at Paper Mojo (love them, and no they are not paying me to say that)

Look at all the colors and styles they offer

It would be such a fun project if I could just pick one paper, I love them all!

Then I got to thinking (since I was on this creative kick) and I started to think what else I could do with this box.  I already did a gray one (you can see it here), and a turquoise one with a white border (seen here) so what other colors and patterns could I do?

Greek key, zebra, Ikat...ok all too hard.  A little search online and these beauties became more inspiration

How about gold leaf?
ok, not exactly a box- but you get the idea

With this box project I think that brings my box and tray count in my apartment to about 15 16.  I don't even think I have anymore crap to put in all these boxes or on all the trays I've been keeping myself busy with. 

Anywho... this post was kinda just me getting out all my ideas so I could figure out what I'm going to do.  Oh and to show you Nicole's awesome table that I'm obsessed with.


Splendid Sass said...

Love the table and love your idea.
You are just a busy body these days calming those nerves, haha.
I built a really sturdy 1 Ft by 1 ft box for an art project, and as soon as I got it home I ripped everything out of it and aluminum leafed it and painted (using painters tape to make sure straight) charcoal paint in a line around it. I can use it as a planter or anything else, but it looks great! I'm in love with chalkboard paint.
Can't wait to see what you do.

Kate {domestikatedlife} said...

Thanks for the sweet comment about my tree skirt project!

I actually just folded it up into a square and cut the felt free hand, then I kind of trimmed it afterwards to make it more circular.

There's a post on Design*Sponge today though about making one and I think they have a better method!

Danielle Oakey Interiors said...

that table is amazing but i think the marble paper would look great on a box too. can't wait to see what you do with it :)

Laura@JourneyChic said...

The paper is so pretty - all of it. I can see why you're having a hard time making a decision!

Anonymous said...

lovee the idea. i have the same ikea table, not serving any purpose. i may have to try this.

Stephanie Sabbe said...

you have more boxes than anyone I have ever met

abby jenkins said...

I think you need more boxes!!

LindsB said...

Steph I know! Its starting to be a real issue around my apartment :)

Lilacandgrey said...

oh fun! I love it!

Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

I've done a tone of stuff with marbled paper. I am sort of obsessed. Framed some as art in my bedroom. Wrap presents for very special people and started to cover a box in it. And let me tell you, its gorgeous. I highly suggest!


Lonely Wife Project said...

So many amazing ideas to choose from! Sort of what I'm going through with wallpaper. Somestimes too many choices can be stifling no?!

Sketch42 said...

Aw.. Glad you like it! I think a box would be really cool... You gave me some ideas, I have tons more paper in the closet!

pixelimpress said...

i too am obsessed with marbled paper. i bought a sheet at paper source and framed it in an ikea frame (no mat) for my office. love it! pam

North of 25A said...

That paper is seriously beautiful.

Full House said...

I know I loved how Nicole's table turned out.

Laura Casey Interiors said...

I can't wait to see which papers/boxes/trays you decide to do! Great DIY idea.

casey at loft and cottage said...

Such beautiful papers. Can't wait to see what you do! That table of Nicole's is amazing. Somehow I missed it--so thanks for sharing!