
Never in a million years...

...did I think that I would reach 500 followers on my blog!  When I first started it was more of a way to keep track of all the amazing and beautiful images I came across on the web.  I never imagined it would become what it has and possibly be the start of a new career for me.

I can't thank each and every one of you enough.  I love my readers, followers, commenters and supporters more then you will know!  I know we all go through the blogging ups and downs and I really appreciate you all sticking with me.

In the beginning all I wanted was for people, besides my family members, to read Everything LEB and my expectations were far exceeded.  In the next few weeks I'll be making new goals for my blog and I can't wait for it to grow with everyone!

So, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to everyone!!


yvonne@designvignettes said...

Congrats! Keep those great posts coming : )

EJR said...


Design Esquire said...

Congrats! That is awesome.

pve design said...

Congrats to you! 500 is super!
Wishing you tons of everything good.

Unknown said...

*ekkkk* CONGRATS - i never knew i'd have 10 - never mind over 150! - if i EVER reached 500 i'd die! - ok i wouldn't die, b/c i'd wanna rejoyce - but u get the idea :o)

*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~

Staci Edwards said...

Congrats! How exciting! I am where you were at years ago, hoping people are reading and will follow... So thanks for giving all of us newbies out there in blog-land hope! :)

Stephanie Sabbe said...

you're famous! glad to know you

Kathysue said...

Congratulations!! that really is exciting. Blogging is a mysterious wonderful thing isn't it?? Your blog is fun and inspiring that is why you have 500 followers, Just keep doing what you have been doing,Kathysue

keely @ luxe + lillies said...

Congratulations! This is so very, very exciting! I recently discovered your blog and have loved reading it everyday.. wonderful inspiration! Heres to many, many more great milestones ahead for you!

Anonymous said...

So exciting! You are my blog hero.

Kirsten Krason said...

Congrats!!! That is so exciting!

Anonymous said...

So exciting! Congrats! The blogosphere is wonderful...just imagine what the future holds!

Laura Trevey said...

Woo hoo!!! Congrats!!

Karen said...

Congratulations. You wouldn't have 500 followers if you didn't provide plenty of good information. A well deserved honor.

Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

congrats!!! your blog is great; keep up the good work.


Lilacandgrey said...

congrats girlie!! Thats awesome!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

of course you reached 500+ followers! you deserve them all and many more :) Congrats!! xoxo

Megan said...

Congrats, you've been one of my favorite blogs for a long time and I can't wait to see where it takes you from here!!

justagirlLaura said...

Congratulations! What a great milestone!!

Saara {www.varv.ca} said...

Congrats! How exciting! Isn't it great when unexpected life changes just pop out of nowhere but are so perfect. Good luck with the career moving... :)

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...

Congrats girl! Woohoo!!!!

Hey, I remember when I got to 100. I swear I thought I had done something great;-)

Now, If only I can make it to 200!

an old fashioned girl said...

awesome!! congratulations!!!

Haven and Home said...

Congrats!!!! Your blog is wonderful- inspiring, lovely, I feel like I know you!!!! So glad we met in this blog world!!!!



Unknown said...

Congrats! So, so wonderful + deserved. I LOVE visiting you everday :) xx

Chic Coles said...

Congratulations! What an accomplishment! We love your blog and can see why so many other people do too!

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Congrats! Happy to be one of your 500!! Janell

On the Glam said...

I too hope to one day join the 500 club. Congrats!

Lindsay said...

Congrats!! Here's to 500 more! xx

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! That means keep doing what you're doing! I'm sure you'll be over 1000 before you know it! Elizabeth

Devon said...

Wait, you know you have over a 1000 subscribers on Google, right? Is that different than readers?

Oh, who cares. You are fabulous anyways. And what's up with this interior design stuff. Are you doing it while working or instead of working? Very happy for you--I think this industry is such a great fit for you!

Katie @ Noodle and Boof said...


Hello Lover... said...

Congrats to you!