

Don't get me wrong there was nothing wrong with the before, I was just sick of looking at it since I've had it circa 1999. I figured this little switch would make me like it again, and it did! Now, the BF has no excuse for not putting things where they belong (hint, hint BF)
I am going to order more and might do something like this

(image from Martha Stewart)
Can you see all those little labels on the edges of the shelves? I just LOVE how this closet is so neat and clean...makes me giddy.
Am I the only one who gets overly excited about labeling and organizing?? My family tells me I'm totally nuts when it comes to this, so please tell me it is ok and you are like that too :)
Nope. You're not alone. If you're nuts about labels and organizing, then I'm in the cuckoo's nest with you!
P.S. - I did a very similar thing to one of those organizer drawers. Hopefully you'll be more successful at corraling your man than I was!
Alison, I'm very happy to hear I'm not alone. I'm starting to think the people who dont like organizing and labeling are the weird ones...not us :)
Ooh, I love those! I could use them in the closet in the nursery... it would make it easy to change the labels since my daughter grows out of her baby clothes and I'm always reorganizing the drawers.
You're definitely not alone! There's something about a label maker that just makes the things being organized look so much more important. Maybe that's because my handwriting is terrible!
oh my, I am an organizing junkie almost to a fault. love the label holders. hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I love organizing! The label holders look amazing-what a simple, yet huge transformation.
Oh my gosh no. I got a label maker for Christmas and I labeled my entire pantry. It was awesome.
If you are nuts, then so am I. Because that Martha Stewart linen closet photo is in my inspiration book of all-time great organizational photos.
Have you ever seen her book on organization? The photos of organization are gorgeous...
NO!!! I am the EXACT same way..I moved in to my bf's house 5 months ago and the FIRST thing I did was organize "our" closet, which was previously his. And now we constantly get compliments on how organized it is. hah. I'm obsessed with labeling and having things match...I only use white hangers for example, and they all have to hang the same way. I feel ya girl!
That closet is my the labels, need to get me some of those! thx.
You are definitely not alone! Speaking or organization, I am also a fanatic about color coordinated hanging files and file folders in my office - currently using pink hanging files with gray folders that I ordered from Office Max (tons of colors on-line). Have you ever looked at - I think you'd love it!
hey!!! just wanted to let you know that I 'tagged' you on my blog on July 18th :-)
I love organizing! Labels make me giddy too!
Oh no, you're not alone! One of my favorite things is a well organized closet. It makes me incredibly happy. I'd love to have labels like that for my linen closet but since it's a rental I'm holding off.
oh, i love this. i need this.
i also have another ?: is there any way you coul email me step by step how u re did your fab trying not to wing it, and you totally inspired me!
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