
Loving This...Plantation

I'm currently loving:

Can you tell I'm really into bright, deeply saturated colors? They are so cheery during the cold and dark winter here in Boston and make me happy.

You can find more fun things at the Plantation estore


High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Oh wow. I must have those boxes! They would go great in my living room.

Send some my way!!!

Pretty please!!!

LindsB said...

Camila,when I order mine, I'll just order a set for you too :)

Lauren said...

I LOVE that ginger jar & the Thomas Paul fabric!!! (I feel like little shots of Thomas Paul in a room would be very you! He does some of my favorite graphic fabrics)

Anonymous said...

I looooove plantation, but I must share with you some news.....mostly EVERYTHING they have comes from two wholesalers...Roost and Arteriors home. If you buy direct from the wholesalers everything is literally HALF THE PRICE. If I can find the time, I'm going to post scanned images of all my faves from Plantation, Global Table, etc. that are actually from Roost and Arteriors. HALF PRICE. You have to be a designer to purchase through them, so place your orders now ladies. I'm making a mass Roost purchase is April :)

xo Robin

LindsB said...

Robin, Post the images from the catalog, I'd love to see what fun things Roost has. Its frustrating I cant see their stuff online because I'm not "trade" boooohissss!