
Spring Throw

Its that time of year again, Spring.  In Boston the weather is a little nutty, one day it can be 70 & sunny, and then the next day its 45 and my bulky jacket is out again.  While it's still too chilly to fling open my windows for long periods of time I still want to bring Spring into my apartment. 

Obviously I love to have fresh flowers, but I often find myself switching out a throw pillow or two to brighten the place up as well.  Throw pillows are easy to switch out, can be inexpensive and are easy to store when you aren't using them.  They are a simple way to change the look of a whole space.

So on this lovely Spring day, here are some new throw pillows I've got my eye on 

L-R: Cancun Floral, Openwork Ramie, Contra Turquoise, Orange Boucle, Berry Peridot, Caitlin Wilson Mustard Signature,  Peacock Betwixt, Watermelon Trellis, Spring Pillow, Caitlin Wilson Peacock Scallop, Ivory Jute Braid, Paradise Bird

Any combination of these can create a new look bedroom or family room in less than 5 minutes. Here are a few I put together

Tell me, how do you bring Spring into your home this time of year??

PS- no IDEA how I missed this... House Beautiful named my painted kitchen drawers post as one of their top 5 blog posts a few weeks ago.  So excited!! Thank you House Beautiful!!


Ashley said...

There's nothing like a good floral pillow to make it feel like springtime.

Unknown said...

pillows are SUCH a great way to change up a space!

Mary Ann Pickett said...

Love your combos! I just reorganized my office storage and have been enjoying cocktails with fresh grapefruit juice...that's how my Spring is going :)

Meredith said...

Love it! I am a huge pillow fanatic. I have a couple more spring pillows your might enjoy:

Stephanie Sabbe said...

yay friend! House Beautiful, you are the bomb!!

Sadie + Stella said...

Love these combos my sweets!