
I'm Loving...

If I bring one more thing into my apartment without getting rid of something I think it might explode. It's time for a major purge session. But, what do you know? Before I even purge I'm already shopping for new fun accessories. Here are my current favorite finds

1. Lauren Bush Laurens new FEED line at Target has some great things!  Not only are they cute, but they also provide meals for those in need.  These metal storage bins would be so cute in a kitchen pantry.

2. It was love at first sight with this blue chest.  I need want it. I have to have it.  Blue and gold, extra storage, the perfect size to go just about anywhere, what's not to love?!?

3. These Three Sheets cocktail napkins make me giggle- they would be an adorable addition to any bar area.

4. I just bought myself a new fiddle fig leaf tree plant at Ikea.  I talk nice to it everyday in hopes that it doesn't die on me.  I'm scared to even touch it or re pot it, but if I threw the plastic pot in one of these baskets it would be the perfect pair.

5. Ikea is really stepping it up this season with all their new stuff and this fabric is no exception.  Its quirky, colorful and not just for the kiddos!

6. Speaking of purging, I think its time to rid my bookcases of my magazine collection.  By collection I mean about 5-10 subscriptions from 2000.  That's a lot of magazines folks.  I think if I had this magazine holder I would have to limit my new "collection" to 1 months worth.  My apartment might thank me for this purchase.

What are your recent favorite finds?  Do share!


Unknown said...

You're going to think I'm making this up BUT, I am currently redoing a cheap nightstand for a charity auction and I was going to do a sunburst design with dowels around the pulls. No joke. Now I think I might have to paint it blue!

Linda {Calling it Home} said...

These are some seriously great finds. I am trying to get rid of things..you are making it hard.

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

What if we 'share' these items? Then it isn't really like you are adding more to your house. :) Great finds!!

Unknown said...

Ive got to get to Ikea, Im loving their new stuff! The FEED line flew off the shelves here and I hardly saw any! Really cool idea. Love the lucite magazine holder.
xo Nancy

Danika Herrick said...

Cannot believe that is IKEA! Awesome.

Kate {domestikatedlife} said...

Those cocktail napkins crack me up!

oil painting reproduction said...

looks pretty good stuffs!! great picks!

Rebecca Gibbs said...

LOVE that blue chest! Good luck with the fiddle fig, I've heard they are tricky! There is a fig tree in the neighborhood I work in that is absolutely gorgeous, biggest one I've ever seen. I'll just admire it and spare any tree from my non-green thumb. ;)