
Knock, knock

There are about a million items on my list of things I love about Italy.  I'm sure you can guess food and wine top that list- but coming in close behind are the gigantic doors and the amazing hardware that can be seen on almost every street and alley around.  I started taking photos of almost every cool door I saw.  It became the running joke between my husband and me because I would basically have to stop every 5 feet to take another door photo.

To give you an idea of the size of some of these doors and knockers here I am next to one.  Keep in mind I'm only 5'3" (and I am wearing flats here), but even still these suckers are HUGE

Keeping that size and scale in mind, here is a roundup of my favorite Italian door bling

I seriously searched for a hardware/ metal works store everywhere!  All I wanted was my own fun Italian knocker to bring home.  Obviously for the next trip I will do some researching beforehand, because I just can't leave Italy without my own knocker again.


pve design said...

Hope you get to bring home some great knockers.
Oh that sounded horribly wrong....but you know I just could not resist.
ciao bella.

Brooke @ Inside-Out Design said...

LOVE these!! How awesome!! I want to go to Italy and bring home a door knocker too!! That would seriously be the best souvenir ever. I love how massive these doors are.

Heather Moore Grahling | Vivid Hue Home said...

these are totally awesome! what a bummer that you didn't find any (other than on the doors) while you were there! you totally need to bring one home next time. I love the ones you found!

Linda {Calling it Home} said...

I need bigger knockers.

LindsB said...

Patricia & Linda, how did I not think of knocker jokes? I am so out of it sometimes- funny because I should have realized I already have a pair of large knockers- I just need the kind for my door now!

Sandra said...

Oh my ... these knockers are beautiful!