
Overflowing with Ideas

Every Friday I tend to make a huge laundry list of stuff I want to get done on the weekends.  Sometimes the whole list gets done, sometimes none of the list gets done.  This weekend I'm making a promise with myself that I need to get at least half of the list done.

How many of you make lists as often as I do?  What are your lists about?

This weekend my list is projects to get done around the house.  Wish me luck.

(photos from Cottage Living, My Home Ideas, & unknown)


Lilacandgrey said...

Good luck with all the projects :)

I am not a "list" type person, but I know MANY people who are...I just think it confuses me more...

PS. one time we wrote a list for my friend who is crazy with making lists...it said "list" underlined, "make a list"
hahaha she wanted to kill us!

Dayka Robinson said...

i'm constantly making lists, especially at night to keep me on track the next day. with so many things going on, i'd lose my mind without them!

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

I can't live without my list! I love marking items off and if I get something done I haven't included on the list sometimes I'll write in on the list simply so I can enjoy crossing it off. Crazy...I know! Janell

p.s. good luck with your list!

pve design said...

From the time I was a little girl, I made lists which my Mom recently sent me, one went like this;
Wake up
Make bed
get dressed
eat a healthy b'fast
brush my teeth
be on time for school
do homework
help with laundry
eat dinner
take a walk
early to bed
I laughed because I my daughter has lists and notes to do good in school and strive to do her best.
Lists help to keep me on schedule.
Good luck with your lists.

LindsB said...

Patricia, I love that list! Be on time for school is my favorite :)

Kathysue said...

The only time I make an actual list is when I am having a party or just company and I need to pay attention to certain areas. I do more of the mental list thing. You know the one that knaws at you because you never get it done,he he!!

deliciously organized said...

I like that bookshelf with the glass doors. Interesting.

Mary said...

Yep, every Friday morning I jot down a large list of stuff to do. Usually only about half of it actually gets done, but it keeps me sane if i have a tally going of whats what! Good luck this weekend with your list!

Saara {www.varv.ca} said...

I make lists a lot....but mostly when I am feeling overwhelmed and dont want to forget all the crazy things I have to do, or when we are packing for a trip. My fav thing to do is scratch out as I go!

las sandalias de ana said...

luck! precious proyect!


My Notting Hill said...

I make lists and then misplace them. Then when I find them later on I often notice how much I still haven't got done! Hope your to-do's go well this weekend.

Unknown said...

I totally do the same thing! It's sort of a take advantage of 10 minutes that the girls are happily playing and get this done.. xx

Anonymous said...

oh hello room #2. good one! good luck with your checklist this weekend! so fun last night. i needed that!

let's plan again soon.

Three Men and a Little Crazy said...

Yes, I love me some list-making! :) I think I get it from my dad -- the last thing on his list every day was "make list for tomorrow". Ha ha!

PS- I love every. single. one. of those pictures you just posted. Yum!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

I love making lists too, but Iv noticed that i cant manage to tick off things... yikes!! Might have to try harder!
Have a great weekend Linds xoxo

Anonymous said...

Did you say lists? I love lists? I have lists of lists. But my favorite list is my "Tasks" on my google calendar. Couldn't get by without it!

kayce hughes said...

I love to make lists. I do sometimes loose them. Then Sunday rolls around and I get sad that I didn't check off more of my list.

Jeannine | The Small and Chic Home said...

I make them all the time! Even though my calendar program at work has a list function and I'm sure my iPhone does as well, I make them on pieces of paper. I love my little slips of paper. :)

North of 25A said...

I do understand! I could not get anything done without my lists...it is my lists of lists that get me in trouble. Progress not perfection...
Good luck!

Unknown said...

I am SUCH a list person..my lists have lists! Good luck this weekend, love the photos you chose here!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

My lists are about everything and I always seem to forget them after I make them. HA!

Emily A. Clark said...

I definitely have weekend project lists, but then I seem to be here in front of the computer, reading about other people's cool projects--which is why none of mine ever get done.

Unknown said...

oh I make lists. Gets all that nonsense out of my head so I can think clearly...but then, I stare at it over and over all weekend...and I feel bad by Sunday. Damn those lists! haha
have a great weekend!

Megan said...

I'm a list person too, but I tend to make most of mine on Sunday. I have a grocery list, a try and plan my work clothes for the week and a list of all the things that I need to get done. It's kind of a lot of prep, but usually it makes the week SO much smoother if I take the time to map it out. I think the trick is trying not to feel bad when you can't get it all done- it's not possible to do that every time! Good luck with yours!!

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

Gorgeous images! My list mostly consideres of work stuff that needs to get done.

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

Can't wait to read about what you accomplished this weekend. My list is growing by the minute!