
The Inside Source

Have you heard about The Inside Source?? Its this really cool site and here is how they describe it (I'm using their words because they explain it better than I could):

"The Inside Source is a digital media destination that harnesses the eBay shopping community’s real time buying and selling activity to curate proprietary insights that shape the retail industry and American consumer’s lifestyles. The Inside Source offers fresh, original perspective and editorial content, such as feature articles and opinion pieces written by journalists and shopping specialists, that provides an insider look at what’s hot and what’s next.

Visit The Inside Source daily to catch up on the latest mainstream and niche trends, peruse our multimedia gallery of videos and photos, post comments and share ideas with likeminded trendsetters from next door and abroad. You can also submit story ideas to our editors; like the global marketplace that inspires us, The Inside Source is listening and wants to hear from you."

Two of my favorite Boston bloggers are a part of this new site already, Marni from Style Carrot and Kristine from Living With Style. Here is a great article on Kristine by Marni, take a look HERE.

If you love blogging and you love ebay (and love Boston bloggers like I do!) then The Inside Source is the place for you...go check it out!

Happy Friday!!


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Hmmm interesting, never heard of it...checking it out thanks!

carlee {deliciously organized} said...

I've never heard of it either! Will need to go check it out!

livingwithstyle said...

Hi Lindsay! Thank you for doing this post! The Inside Source is a great online magazine - I am so excited to watch it take off!

The site actually just launched this wednesday, which is why no one has heard of it.

Happy Friday back at you :)!


Kristine Mullaney

Marni said...

Thanks Lindsay! Come visit everyone!