I'm heading out a tad early to start the weekend up at my lake. Actually its not even mine anymore, my Grandparents sold the house over 3 years ago to move closer to my parents... I miss it every.single.day. The entire family on my moms side is headed up to Maine to have a little service for my
Grandpa, he wanted his final resting place to be where he spent the golden years of his life, at the lake.
I am very excited to spend the weekend with my whole family and show the BF around the lake, he never got to see our house up there. I am hoping he falls in love with it too so one day we can have our very own vacation home and start the tradition of summering in Maine all over again.
I would be the happiest girl in the world if I had a lake house of my very own... something with a view like these beauties:

Keep your fingers crossed the weather is sunny and warm for me :) Have a great weekend everyone!
Photos from: kotiposti.net, lakesideottawa.com, mooseheadrentals.com, Robert Damora
have so much fun! NO rain!
I hope you have a blast. Enjoy your weekend.
have so much fun!!!! beautiful views...
hopefully there was nice weather up there! I love the photos, ahh to have a summer home!
I am catching up to and I am dreaming of a home like one of these...I adore Maine.
Linds! That's exactly what I'm dreaming of too! Maine is so incredibly pretty but too far away for me right now so I'm looking in the Northwest. Fingers crossed that one day, we'll both be summering at the lake!
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