
Making a Pillow

OK, so I am by no means a seamstress...I try, but my skills consist of mostly straight lines. Straight lines do come in handy when making pillows though, and someone asked me how I made those initial pillows on the my bed so here goes...

I of course forgot to take pictures so please excuse my graphics. I started out wanting to put a zipper in my pillow but I also know that I am perfectionist so if it didn't come out exactly right I would be mad- so I came up with the idea to make a slip cover for the pillow.

My pillow is a 14x14 pillow so I cut out two pieces of fabric, one 15x15 (an inch all around to allow for sewing) and a 15x20 piece.

Take the 15x20 piece and cut it in half. Finish, or hem (again I'm not a seamstress so I don't know the correct term) the long side of each piece you just cut. So, you should have two pieces of fabric now, each with just one long side hemmed. We'll call those A & B

Next, take the 15x15 piece and place it right side up. Take A and lay it on top of the 15x15 piece right side down, with the hem you made in the middle. Then take B and place it on top of A right side down, again with the hem you made in the middle- keeping in mind to overlap A & B by about 2.5 inches.

Pin all three pieces together, and sew all the way around.

When done sewing turn right side out from the opening in the middle and there you go!

I did my pillows in white fabric and once I had them all put together I used some black fabric paint to make the initial, and black grosgrain ribbon to frame them out.

One thing to keep in mind: Wash all fabric first, that way when you need to take off the slip cover and wash, it will not get all out of shape. Again, I am no seamstress so I did the best I could here, if you have questions or this does not make sense leave a comment and I'll do my best to try and explain again.

If any of you make any pillows please take pictures, I'd love to see your projects!!

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