
An Old Love

No matter how many times I see some images I love them just as much now as I did the day I first saw them.

Like this room for example....I just love it!

Tia really has it going on IMO, and lets face it around these parts my opinion is pretty important.


no question here- love the orange


love more- I totally want to try dark walls in the bedroom, but I know the BF will put the squash to that one. A dark headboard might just be the way to go, like this one.

I want my own house already so I can have a kitchen like this one, I love the mix of white and wood tone. The BF and I could definitely come to an agreement on something like this.

She is the woman!

All photos from Zoldan Interiors


Let The Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore said...

Great rooms! xx

Laura@JourneyChic said...

Good grief - that kitchen!!! Love it!

Stop by today to enter the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. I just recently got an upholstered headboard and I have orange lamps and an orange chair in my bedroom and I love it.


Katie @ Noodle and Boof said...

looove all of these!!

Devon said...

Tia is one of my favorites and is super-nice, which is a total plus for a designer!!

Abbie said...

Love the pop of turquoise in the first pic!

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

I adore that bedroom with the orange accents...she is good!!

Fargerike Dagny said...

I want that kitchen!

deliciously organized said...

I will take that kitchen ASAP. thanks.

MFAMB said...

you tell that BF of yours that YOU are the decorator in this here relationship.
dark it up!!!

Rachel said...

Okay, that black room is SEXY!!! It looks like it's in Miami, or someplace warm like that. What a nice thought right now!!

Southern Aspirations said...

these rooms are awesome!!

paula said...

her home was one of my favorite features. love seeing more of it.

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

that kitchen island is fantastic. chunky yet modern. love it all!