
New Toys!

Hello all- I'd like to thank you all for so many wonderful birthday wishes! it was so nice to come home after a great day of shopping to see such sweet notes!! You are all wonderful and I'm so lucky to have made such great blog friends, so thank you again.

I had a wonderful day, the BF spoiled me as usual- he really is the best BF ever!! I guess he does read my blog because I got this yesterday:

I cried I was so happy- I've wanted this for a long time and never thought I would have one of my own. I LOVE it!!

Now comes the hard part, learning how to use the friggin thing. There are about 100 million buttons and each one does something different, its going to take some getting used to. I also have like 4 different lenses on my wish list now, not sure what they all do but I read that they were cool. I just see the $$$ adding up haha.

So does anyone have any great words of advice, blog sites, Q&A's I should be reading online today?? I would LOVE to hear them.


Haven and Home said...

Oh what a great gift!!!! I am a day late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! It sounds like it was wonderful! I am still trying to learn how to use my camera but I have a long way to go, I definitely need a tutorial!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Lucky you- enjoy that fab camera :)

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Sounds like it was a great day! And what a great gift!!

I am still learning how to use my camera, I am not big on reading manuals, so I have learned the hard way, trial and error. Learn from me...my way is not wise or productive!!


Katie @ Noodle and Boof said...




Ms. Bright said...

YAY! Good job BF! The best tut I've ever seen (espesh for a dummy like me) was over on Darby of Fly Through Our Window's blog. Here's the link:

and then click on the Q&A link!!
This should really help you!

Ms. Bright said...
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Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

Happy belated birthday!!! Have fun taking pix w your lovely camera!


Design Actually said...

What a great gift, I'm super jealous! A fancy new camera is definitely on my Christmas list!

Kristin said...

Happy belated birthday! I got that same gift for my b-day this past year. I've read a couple of tutorials, as well as some of the manual, but I never remember it when I'm shooting. I really think it just takes practice or better yet, someone who is good to help you learn the functions. And, I just learned that you can edit pictures with the software that comes with it (or learned how to... SUPER EASY). It's no photoshop, but it works. :)

I will definitely be checking out the tutorials above though, so thanks ladies!

Unknown said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I actually received a Canon Rebel Xsi for my birthday last week. Like you, I am super excited, but still have to learn how to use it properly. I am super impressed by the clarity and crispness of the photos just by using the point and shoot method. Darby's photography was what inspired me to go with the Canon vs. the Nikon.

Megan said...

Yay! Happy Belated Birthday, glad you were spoiled by your lovely! I have this camera too and love it, I definitely agree with the comments above the Fly Through Our Window has some great info and links to easy tutorials etc. Have fun playing with your new toy!

Kay* said...

what a wonderful gift.

first thing i would suggest you do is read the manual. yes, it's big and boring but really, read it a few times to get a grasp of certain ideas and words.

1. the pioneer woman has a fantastic photography section and explains in plain english what everything means (aperture, shutter etc.) does. i'd start at the beginning of her tutorials as they progressively get more in-depth.

2. any and everyone can set the camera to automatic and take pics. if you got an slr i'm assuming it's because you want to have more creative control over your pics. with that in mind, after you read what shutter speed and aperture do i'd set my camera to 'M' for manual and don't change it for at least a few days. play around and try to get comfortable. that is the best way to learn how to shoot manual. shoot during the day, at night, indoor, outdoor etc.

3. if you have it in your budget to get a bunch of lenses great! if not, i'd really say to learn with your kit lens. you'll get a sense if you enjoy wide angles or closeups and then you can buy your next lens accordingly. you can also always rent before making a commitment.

4. bryan peterson writes EXCELLENT photography books that i highly recommend. very easy to understand with tons of photos and examples.

most of all have fun!

LindsB said...

All of this is awesome, thank you everyone for the advice!!!

alissa {33shadesofgreen} said...

Happy Birthday! I love reading your blog! My favorite site for photography and tips is Karen Russell: http://karenrussell.typepad.com
She has a section called photography tips. I've learned a lot about using my DSLR from her. She takes amazing photographs! For advice on lenses & other equipment go to: www.kenrockwell.com. He reviews everything and gives pretty good tips too! Have fun with your new camera!

Design Esquire said...

Happy Birthday! What a thoughtful gift. Have fun learning how to use your new camera!

bluehydrangea said...

I am pea green!! what a great gift!!

Lauren said...

awwww what a sweetie!!! that must've been so great to open!! :)

i STILL don't know how to use my camera. it's on the to do list.


deliciously organized said...

I'm so happy for you!!! Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay, I am so excited to have another person to geek out about cameras with! I have a Nikon D90 which is fairly equivalent... I'll try to scare up a list of good guides for you! Also, I took a beginner's photo class which was a great help and a ton of fun... see some of my pix here:(http://urbansardines.wordpress.com/2009/08/26/hot-shots/)

alison giese Interiors said...

Killer! Soooo excited for you! I'm not one who can really sit and read about photography for hours on end. I'll read a tip or two, then go out and try to apply/practice it.

I subscribe to an online digital photography blog called DPS: http://digital-photography-school.com/ - He offers helpful tips, and there's a wealth of info if you want to search terms like, "beach photography" etc.
First things' first - get to know your camera and feel comfortable with it - then try the "heavy lifting" of learning techniques.

Keep in mind, too, (if by chance you, like Paloma, chose this model based on Darby's pics) that she definitely appears to have "the touch" with photography, and gets a lot of useful info from Marla - priceless education, I would imagine. Just sayin' - don't hold yourself to those standards just yet!

Stephanie Sabbe said...

what a great gift! so exciting. If I ever meet him, I'm only calling him BF....which in my neck of the woods stands for Best Friend:)

Unknown said...

lovely birthday gift for a lovely lady! enjoy it all :)

Chic Coles said...

Happy Birthday .Good luck with the manuel. Still working on interiors shots with mine. Good Luck enjoy!

sg said...

So jealous! Here's my plea for the same thing for my birthday!


The bf didn't get it, but he's still wonderful and there's still Christmas! I love Darby's post as well for camera info., but I also found this one completely different and interesting. Check it out and happy picture taking!


Kate said...

Happy Birthday! My husband wants one of those bad, and I think he might be getting one for his birthday next month. ;)

Rachel said...

What an awesomet present!! I'm hoping for one of those maybe next year. Have fun playing around with it this weekend. :-)