
Surprise Peek

Last week I posted about some mini DIY paint projects I wanted to do.  I actually got my butt in gear and since then I've been going crazy painting drawers. OK only two drawers. But those two took a long time because I: primed them, change my mind about a paint colors (after I painted the 1st color) and in the process fix the drawer to my nightstand. 

No fancy pictures yet, but here is a small peek of my new coffee table drawer

I put a few of my paper mache trays to good use.  One holds lighters (and no, I don't smoke I just light candles almost everyday) and the other holds random chapsticks.

I either need to either make a few more trays for the other items or get lucite ones so I can see all that pretty orange. Not sure what I'm going to do yet. 

I'm working on finishing up my nightstand drawer, it's girly and I cant wait to share!


Brandi@ Flights of Whimsy said...

So cute! A lucite tray would be great. I like to use vintage candy dishes to organize stuff like this. They are great for jewelry too!

Kim @ keller-creative said...

I love the pop of orange. I need to do some serious organizing in our coffee table drawer. Mine has all sorts of chapstick, lighters and nail polish...

pve design said...

What fun! I am more of a matchbox gal myself! :)

Karena said...

I love your orange drawer lining, really beautiful!

Art by Karena

melanie said...

I love orange! great job, it looks nice and joy inducing!

Sarah said...

Hi, Linds! It is awesome to meet you! Thanks for stopping by today to talk rugs:) Not sure how I missed your blog before this, but I'm excited to get caught up. Love the inside of your drawers painted that orange, so unexpected! (I have so many chapsticks everywhere I should do something like this.) And I have like 10 things I've been meaning to paint forever and haven't got around to. Thanks for the inspiration!

PS. Do you guys actually live in Boston? We're on the South Shore:)