
it's like rubbing salt in

When I walk into my family room I get this screaming "FIX me" message.  It's off, something bothers me. Too much brown maybe?  Too dark?  It's SOMETHING...or maybe everything. (but I don't have the funds to clear everything out and start over, I know cue violin music and get out the tissues)

For now I'm going with the "too much brown" theory and I'll try to fix that first. 

After the brown is toned done and something still bothers me, well then I'll just add padded walls because I'll need them.

my brown attack
(these are also old photos but I'm just trying to drive the point home, go with me here)

Amber to save the day...did you see her drapes project where she just STENCILED a pattern on plain ikea drapes?

Amber Interiors, you're my hero. (in my best Cameron voice...and extra points to whoever knows what movie I'm talking about)

Stencils + some paint + my mushroom brown drapes= I can try to be as cool as Amber

The stencils are only pennies compared to replacing them- just sayin'
Now to pick a design...shit.   Olive leaf stencils has some really great designs, I want them all. 

Here are the top 3 contenders

(think white paint)

So what do you think, should i do this to my drapes?   

I guess worst case I could just paint them all white till I find replacements, right?

Cross your fingers for me too, otherwise my next post will be "How to Install Padded Walls."


April of Smidge Of This said...

I really, really like this idea! Please keep us posted with the progress. Do you just use fabric paint I guess with the stencil?

Karen said...

A patterned drape always draws my attention when I look at a photograph. I know that your goal is to de-brown your space, but I actually like the whole "white and wood" thing you have going on. I know that isn't the style, but I see it as classic. Maybe you could move a few brown pieces to other spaces for a while.

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

Ooooh! I cannot wait to see how they turn out!

Kate {domestikatedlife} said...

I love that second stencil, can't wait to hear how they come out!

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

Do it! Love the idea of lightening them up with a white stencil.

And padded walls could be cool... if they were stenciled

Lori said...

Love this idea! I really like stencil #3!

Ms. Bright said...

Ferris Bueller you're my hero. And so is Amber for those draperies!!

LindsB said...

Ms. Bright- you're my hero!!! YOU ARE CORRECT!

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

Love your photoshop'd photo with Brown written across the top. Made me laughout loud.

What if you did some type of stencil in a geometric like your lovely blog background! I think stenciling in white would lighten/liven it up a lot!

Stephanie Sabbe said...

#1 you are a dork, but I love the idea!

#2 come see my baby. he has a wedding gift for you.

#3 I posted some pics on the blog

Katherine said...

Yay! Someone else got it! I was going to be sad if you already had 10 comments and no one mentioned Ferris.

I say try it, and hopefully it will go swimmingly. I might actually try something similar!

Danielle Oakey Interiors said...

Do it! I can't wait to see it finished!

Danika Herrick said...

Do it girl, I just spray stenciled some today. Fabric spray paint from AC Moore. Love me my spray paint.

Ephemeral Sparrow said...

I did something similar, but I used one of those big foam stamps on muslin fabric. LOVE the results. Good luck with yours!

Katie @ katieboothinteriors said...

For sure stencil them, it would be awesome! Can't wait to see what you do:)

Carrie @ Hazardous Design said...

Do it!!!!
But I'm no help, I love all three stencil choices.

Anonymous said...

Love the idea, but if you do the stencil in white it could look muddled/won't pop off the fabric they way you want it to. maybe you could pull the navy or the orange from the Celerie pillows which will have much more impact.

HOOTENANNY...Jennifer Jacks said...

I think the idea is fabulous...I have drapes I had made for my living room with a similar pattern and they POP! Love a DIY project...I need stencils for a different project I'm doing...do you have any tips on making stencils...is there an easy way to do it? I would prefer to buy them but can't find the particular patterns I'm wanting.

LindsB said...

Jennifer, I dont have any experience making stencils, so sorry! I only know how to click and buy online :)

Amber Interiors said...

Just found your link over to my BLOGGy....YOU ARE MY HERO, I am emailing you cause I want you to play in a guest series!!