I realized that I already have a ton of ornaments so I'm not going to spend a ton and buy all new peacock feather themed ones. I'll just add to what I have. Why you ask? Well because we are doing an eco-Christmas. Short for "the economy sucks, time to cut back, need to save pennies and not spend them on peacock feather ornaments so Lindsay has something to blog about-Christmas", get my drift?
So here is how the tree looks so far
Just the same with some pretty peacock birds here and there- nothing too over-the-top since I'm on a strict budget. Think I can say peacock 100 times in this post? Keep count for me.
Moving on with the peacock makeover. The red and green stockings I had last year were just not cutting it. So last night out came the sewing machine and box of scrap fabric and these babies were whipped up
better then red and green, no? The color is actually a peacock blue color like the walls (that's 7 peacocks so far, count that 8)
In other news, my amaryllis is in full bloom and I am loving it.

(Thank you Aunt Sue and Uncle Rick! I know you picked it out because it was Orange, well the tag lied to you, it's white. I love it just the same)
More half-ass peacock Christmas decor to come soon, I promise. But like I said, please don't get too overexcited.
*peacock count = 10
Super excited for the peacock decor to come!
the flowers are gorgeous!!
Not half-ass at all!! That's a very HAPPY tree, from what I can tell!
It looks gorgeous! Will you make Chris & I stockings?
Cracking up. Tree is looking beauty so far. Can't wait to see big...I mean...mediocre reveal. Taming down my expectations, k?
Carlee, yes I will- anything for you :)
Carolyn- yes, totally mediocre- thanks for taming.
I bet it will still look fantastic! Great job on the stockings.
Don't you HATE managing expectations at work. I DO!
I completely understand considering the economy. although we weren't affected at work it seems irresponsible to splurge too much on decorations. I bet that nothing you do is half assed so I can't wait to see your fab decorations!
You're adorable! So enjoy reading your blog :)
Looks great!
You are cracking me up! It will look great, I need to manage my expectations for my own house.
I kind of gave up with the decor this year after about 6 TINY projects, each taking 5 to 30 minutes. So...I appreciate your point of view! It all looks great!
It's lovely. We need to come up with a drinking game involving the word 'peacock.' ;)
Can't wait to see more!
It looks great with just a few here and there on the tree. Too many would be overkill. Love how you're doing it!
I'm proud of you! I'm a firm believer in decorating with (mostly) what you already own. It forces you to think creatively and usually with awe inspiring results. You go thrifty LEB!!
when should I come over for eggnog?
I actually hate eggnog. What's up! I feel like I haven't chatted with you in a while.
Are you guys singing Christmas carols around Brookline this weekend?
p.s. new camera skills are rockin!
Everything looks great! Wish I could come drink egg nog with you and Stephanie. Oh wait, Stephanie doesn't like it!?!? And mine would have to be non-alcoholic :( for me but :) for Baby C!
ohh im LOVING it
so cute! love the peacock decoration and your stockings...
gorgeous amaryllis!
enjoy the weekend!
It's looking good!
I love your amaryllis! I need to get one...it's so Christmasy!
OMG you are so cute. Can you give me a sewing lesson so that I may make my stockings!?
No mediocre at all! I love the expression "manage expectations" though - that will be my quote for my girls for Christmas. Thank you. I think your tree is lovely and I may just want to copy the idea of mixing in peacock feathered ornaments with all the collected ornaments. Ever since I got to spend three weeks in Boston last summer, I love following the blogs of those of you who live there. What a great city - I can't wait to come back.
The tree is simply gorgeous, and I have a little sister amaryliss blooming just like yours!
You should look at the peacock tree on niagranovice.blogspot.com He's got a great peacock tree. He posted on earlier this month.
Peacocks are such a pretty pretty theme!
Oh, don't call it half-ass! To be honest, it's possible to have too much of a good thing. So, I think that mixing peacocks into your decor not only looks better than peacock only, but is far more realistic for those of us who do not have unlimited budgets.
That's a very HAPPY tree, from what I can tell!
Work from home India
Looks great!! I love all those colors!
I bet it will still look fantastic! Great job on the stockings.
Wagyu Steaks
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