I decided that I could make my own habanero infused tequila and recreate this yummy margarita at home. I also decided to try some homemade limoncello, because that seemed easy enough and limoncello martinis are yummy too.
I got these cool airtight bottles at Ikea

Washed and ready to go....I wont put the liquor in till its already infused- it would be hard to get the habanero peppers and lemon peel out

The BF bought too many, but they sure are pretty. WARNING- very hot, when touching them be sure to wash your hands right after

Just the yellow part of the peel is used, not the white- it took a few to be able to get just the yellow parts.

Here they are sitting in a cool, dark place infusing away. And yes that is a coffee pot, it was the only other thing I had that had a spout that would make it easy to pour into the bottle after. We never make coffee and I don't think its ever even been used...so no coffee flavor to worry about :)
This is just part one...I will take pics and update here when the booze has fully infused and let you all know how it turned out.
Apparently, I need to make a trip to Boston for happy hour! Can't wait to hear about the final result.
You guys are too funny. You remind me so much of my husband and I pre-kids in Boston.
Kara- why dont you live here anymore, we could be best friends!! Move back up here!
whoa - you're a moonshiner! I'm going to have to call the authorities! in college we used to make peach liquer sort of like this.
My brother-in-law makes his own wine, whiskey, and pumpkin brandy. I haven't tried yet, but I may make the limoncello. Can you put up the amounts you used when you are done?
Oh, I am soooo in the mood for lemoncello, now!
P.S. - Have I ever told you about our cocktail du jour? Fresh pineapple capri"vodkas" - like a caiprinha, but with vodka versus cachaca - Muito excellent! Might have to copy-cat you and do a post on one! ;)
I've been meaning to try Masa Grill. I can't wait to hear how everything turns out for you!
Next time you guys are in our neck of the woods we should meet for a drink!..assuming my husband is ever not at the hospital.
hahahha love it. can't wait to hear how it goes!!
how fun! those Ikea bottles are super-cute.
what cool projects, cant wait to see what happens. our neighbor just made lemoncello and brought us some, that stuff is STRONG! i need a way to dillute it
I am a serious fan of limoncello, and that margarita sounds amazing... I just used a jalapeno at home for the first time with a mango salsa recipe for a tilapia dish... so yummy...
tell us the updates and any more summer drink ideas???
my hubby and I have been doing a grapefruit juice and vodka thing that is amazing.
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