
Around the world

One week into the BF being away and I am missing him like crazy. On top of missing him I am very jealous that he is off having the time of his life seeing all these amazing sites and I'm missing it. He is taking a TON of pictures and I cant wait to see them all, so to hold me over he has sent a few of the amazing country side of Japan and Korea.

I wish I was there in person to take in all the amazing architecture, history and culture!

Tokyo and Nagoya, Japan

Seoul, Korea

Hopefully this will be the last trip he takes alone and the next time we are over in Asia it is for good, I mean it wont be for another year or so but I'm crossing my fingers a move overseas is somewhere in the future for us. Till then these pictures will have to do.

Miss you babe!

pictures taken by him as well as some
flickr ones, his were not as clear


Rachel said...

Precious!! I hope it's in y'alls future too! My husband travels some and it kills me when I can't go too!!

Erin said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't leave me!!

Haven and Home said...

You might be moving? As long as you keep blogging I think that would be amazing!

Windlost said...

Wow, what a glorious place. I would love to live abroad! :)

Hang in there - he will be back soon and some day you can visit together.


Lauren said...

looks amazing!!! i found myself sad to hear you were moving far away even though we've never even met!! hahahah

LindsB said...

Hi Everyone, thanks for the comments but dont worry no plans to leave soon, it is hopefully in the plans for the future (nothing set in stone yet) and not for at least another year / year and a half. So...I'll still be blogging from the US till then :)

pve design said...

I traveled to Asia a lot when I was first working in NY and I enjoyed the experience. It was a wonderful time and I have photos, prints, and many items that quickly bring me back to many special people I worked with.
Travel was so different then. All before 9-11.