
Weekend Shopping Scores

Even if I have nothing to specifically buy at Target, I love checking out what deals and steals they have all the time. Usually this happens on the weekends when the BF is catching up on school work, it drives me nuts to just sit around and watch him- so off to Target I go.

This weekend was a major score weekend, look what I found
I have been looking for a set of pretty andirons for my fireplace, but when I saw this for a sweet 3 bucks and change, how could I go wrong? It now holds the pretty birch logs my Dad cut for me. (I forgot a pic, so I'll take one tonight to share)

And my second find was this Dwell Studio pillow I had been eyeing for a long time. I never got it because I was not sure where I would use it, or what it would go with. But, when I saw it sitting there I snapped it up and when I went to see how much it was (you know at those little scan kiosks, LOVE those) it was marked at 6 bucks and change- yippy!
(I actually like the back of the pillow better, but they did not have a picture of that side on the website)

Not bad for a quick run to Target.

PS- While I was getting these pictures on the Target website I noticed, while both items are on sale, they are not nearly as close to what I paid for them in the store. Hmmm it would be nice if they were as cheap on the site too, then I could order another pillow so I have a set, ah well.

photos from Target.com


Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

I'm jealous... I didn't find anything fun this weekend at Target (which is very uncommon for me). Congrats on your fun purchases!

Haven and Home said...

Target is always my go to place to shop, what would we do without it? Great purchases!

Lauren said...

oh i love deals!!! i haven't been to target in so long & need to go!!

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Love that pillow! Target is a great place to find deals. I do hate the online pricing is never the same as in the store. It really is annoying.