Here is how it works- If you read my blog on a daily basis you know that I just opened an Etsy Store, wooohooo!! I've been working hard to get everything up there and make cute, creative things that I think people would like. SO- to participate in this contest all you have to do is leave me a comment with some advice on how to make my store better, what I should make more of / less of, how I can get the word out there and market my store more, or any piece of business advice you may have for me.
I will draw a name on December 19th so I can hopefully get the prize out to the right person in time for the holidays. The key word here is HOPEFULLY, I will try my best but don't hate me if it doesn't get there on time- just think of it as an extension of the holiday :)
OK, onto the prizes:

1. A spool of white satin ribbon (I think it is 50 yards, I can't remember at the moment). I had posted before about Papermart, a favorite secret source of mine for satin ribbon. Well, now you can have your own stash of white ribbon to adorn all those pretty packages for the holidays.
2. A pair of beautiful sterling silver pearl earrings. A simple, classic staple every girl must have in her wardrobe. I love these earrings because they are a little bigger in size and make quite the statement when dressing up to go out or just hanging in jeans and a t-shirt.
3. A pair of cozy kelly green gloves from J Crew. These are so soft and warm, they are sure to be perfect for those cool winter nights.
4. A set of my own handmade stationary. This set includes 5 kelly green cards with an embossed orange glittery fish on the front and lined envelopes with a matching polka dot paper. Super cute for a hand written note to a friend!
5. A surprise, I have not figured out the last part of the prize but it will be something creative!
There you have it, all the prizes to be won... I hope you love them as much as I do! So leave your comment by the 19th to be entered into this fabulous contest!
Awesome prizes, I don't have a blog but I sure wish I did.
I have an etsy shop too, I added you to my "favorite sellers" list. Etsy seems to be quite viral like twitter so it helps to add favorites and in the hopes that others look at your shop too. I love your lemon bag - it's so cute.
My suggestion would be to step up the game on the photography. The lighting is a bit dark and the items need to be photographed with the "macro" feature on. That said, I'm not fabulous photographer so I'm still learning...
Hi there- your blog is great- I'm glad I happened upon it. You're now ofically bookmarked!
Your products in the Etsy shop look good. I agree with Jean from Renovation Therapy. I don't have an Etsy shop of my own but it's always good photography that draws me in to look closer at a shop's products. Good photography makes for an overall more professional appearance.
I LOVE your etched glass items. Etched glass isn't something I've seen a lot on Etsy. I think you could easily expand this product line by putting more of the graphics that you have on your cards (like the fabulous feather) onto the glasses and other products.
Great prizes.
I'm still thinking of a fab idea, but since others mentioned photography here is a great little how-to on Making it Lovely.
FAQ Part One
FAQ Part Two
You should check it out.
here's an idea - you know when you leave comments on the blogs of others? why not making a link that will go right to your etsy shop that you leave after you sign off from you it's like this:
comment, blah, blah, blah
my etsy shop (<-this is an automatic link to your shop) like the poster right above put in the links to part 1 & part 2
when i leave comments from others and see links that seem interesting i click 'em...
Ooohhh Kay! That's a great idea! Ok, my idea is that you could try organizing the products so that all the stationary is together, all the glassware together, etc. It looks great & everything is so pretty!! I'll send people on!!
I live in the Boston area too. I am tired of all the bad news from the bad economy, the impending snow storm and illness of loved ones. These lovely things that picked up would be the perfect pick me up for me. Just in time for Christmas.
Mary F
Hi LEB -
Great blog and congratulations on the store. That is a very exciting addition to the site. One recommendation that I have for you would be to sumbit your blog/store to Real Simple Magazine. Every year they do a feature article on best blogs and I think that your store/blog would be a perfect fit. Have a great day and stay warm.
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